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A Summer of Coding -- and More!

Previous Post | Monday, 27 May 2013 | Reading time: 3 minutes | Next Post

Google has just announced the 2013 Google Summer of Code students! And that means that the Outreach Program for Women list is also announced. It's been some weeks of anxious waiting, not just for the students and interns involved, but also for the whole Krita community, developers and artists. But everyone can breathe again now!

Outreach Program for Women

This year, KDAB has sponsored one KDE internship in the highly succesful Outreach Program for Women, which originated in the Gnome community. But that didn't mean that only one KDE candidate got selected! We had a number of excellent candidates who already worked really hard to provide real contributions to Krita in the running up the the final decision. And two have been selected to participate!

Maria Far Ribes from Spain and Chinkal Nagpal from India will work with mentor Boudewijn Rempt on a broad set of tasks: creating a webshop with Krita merchandise and articles to help funding the Krita Development fund, as well as improving the current website, release promotion and more...

Thanks go out to KDAB and to the incredibly welcoming OPW community! Check the full list of 38 accepted candidates on

Google Summer of Code

This year, the Krita community has accepted two proposals for Krita, and both proposals were accepted in turn by Google! The students, Sahil Nagpal and Somsubhra Bairi from India have already been busy hacking on various parts of Krita -- expect a development blog update on shortly!

Sahil Nagpal is going to work on the Krita image filters. This section of Krita has been neglected for quite some time, and there is a host of feature requests from users that need to be implemented, as well as performance issues, bugs, problems with the user interface for some filters... Sahil has created a comprehensive plan for tackling the worst issues in order of priority. If all goes well, at the end of the summer, Krita's filters will be in tip-top shape! Sahil will be mentored by Dmitry Kazakov, and there is a team of users ready to support Sahil during development.

Somsubhra Bairi is going to work on a long-standing wish of many Krita users: support for creating animations. Not simple animated gifs, but real animations. Krita already has had two attempts at adding animation support, but neither plugin ever got really finished. In the coming three months, supported by a team of professional animators from over the world, Somsubhra will add timeline support, support for creating animation project files and more. Somsubhra will be mentored by Boudewijn Rempt.