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Libre Graphics Meeting 2011

Previous Post | Saturday, 19 March 2011 | Reading time: 1 minutes | Next Post

Soon it'll be time for the Libre Graphics Meeting again. Thanks to KDE e.V. sponsorship, Boudewijn, Lukas, Animtim and possibly also our webmaster, Bugsbane will attend! Animtim intends to give a workshop on painting comics with Krita (his third episode of Wasted Mutants is out!), Lukas a talk on the state of Krita, and I'll be around, ready to field any questions anyone might have!

The Libre Graphics Meeting is a completely unique conference in the free software world: it brings together developers from many projects, from GIMPĀ  to Krita, from MyPaint to Inkscape, from Scribus to F-Spot and many, many more. There are project presentations, lab sessions, workshops, meetings on interoperability... Last year, it was also attended by many artists and visionaries. The mix is totally invigorating!

The one thing that always bugs me, though, is how little attendance there is from graphics-related projects from the KDE worls. Come on! There should be people from Digikam, Gwenview, Kdenlive and so on. It's a really friendly, inspiring place! The Libre Graphics Meeting organization can also sponsor travel, which is why they have a yearly pledgie campaign, which I really recommend to you:

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