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Artist Interviews

We host interviews with artists who use Krita as their main creative tool. We ask questions like what they are doing, their stories with art, and how they feel about using Krita. If you would like to be interviewed in the future, please send your artwork and a short introduction about yourself to

Interview with Elésiane Huve

Monday, 5 January 2015

Would you like to tell us something about yourself?

My name is Elésiane Huve, I'm a freelance illustrator living in the south of France. I usually publish my artworks under the nickname Aliciane. I'm specialized in illustrations related to Fantasy or History.

Interview with Elésiane Huve

Interview with Marty Kulma

Monday, 22 December 2014

Would you like to tell us something about yourself?

I only paint digitally.  Even though I love the way traditional paintings look, I haven't painted traditionally.  A #2 pencil was my first tool for drawing when i was a child, and is still my favourite.  I've tried various pencils, charcoal, and made a horrible mess with graphite dust, but none of them ever worked as well for me as the pencil.

Interview with Marty Kulma

Interview with Sylvia Ritter

Tuesday, 9 December 2014


Would you like to tell us something about yourself?

I’m a digital painter, illustrator, concept artist and game developer, currently living in Dresden, Germany.

Interview with Sylvia Ritter

Interview with Esfir Kanievska

Monday, 1 December 2014

Would you like to tell us something about yourself?

I’m a freelance commercial illustrator and artist, living in Kyiv, Ukraine. You know, that odd kind of girl that takes a sketchbook to wherever she goes and sketches whatever she sees.

Interview with Esfir Kanievska

Interview with Eo Fenstalker

Monday, 10 November 2014


Would you like to tell us something about yourself?

I'm Andrea, better known as Eo Fenstalker anywhere that it matters. I'm a freelance artist in my 30s living in Melbourne, Australia and I primarily focus on animal and fantasy related artwork under the name Toast Weasel Illustration.

Interview with Eo Fenstalker

Interview with Rose Morgan

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Would you like to tell us about yourself?

My name is Rose and I'm a 25 year old freelance artist from Melbourne, Ausfailia. I really like anatomy and medical science which is a theme among a lot of my work- or it's at least inspired by it. I love videogames, nature, robots and old fashioned stuff. Etc etc. You can pretty much gather everything you need to know from my art itself; it's very personal to me.

Interview with Rose Morgan

Interview with James Abell

Friday, 19 September 2014


Would you like to tell us something about yourself?

I’m a designer/artist and tutor. I’ve worked with 3ds Max and related tools for about 14 years since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art many eons ago, in 1999! Recently, I’ve been running 3d graphics workshops and teaching online and making my own artworks. I’ve also worked with a lot of clients mainly in the offshore renewable sector for visualisation projects in 3ds Max.

Interview with James Abell

Interview with Wayne Parker

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Sketches by Wayne Parker

Would you like to tell us something about yourself?

My name is Wayne Parker. I'm a professional illustrator from Virginia Beach, VA, but living in Arlington at the moment.

Interview with Wayne Parker

Meet Danas Anis

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Hello, my name is Danas, better known publicly by my nickname Danas Anis. I am a multimedia design artist working at Bstudija print design and manufacturing studio. It is a studio founded by my friend from college Virginijus Starkevicius. We are based in Kaunas, Lithuania. While Bstudija heavily focus on print design I am more of a multimedia-type guy and quite often have to do a lot with video shooting, video cutting and many kinds of art adoptions to design projects. Which leads me to work on projects involving not only video or photography, but also some concept art and illustrations.

Meet Danas Anis

Interview with Tago Franceschi

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

How did you first find out about open source communities? What is your opinion about them?

In 2005, a friend told me about Ubuntu, and since then I discover it. I love the open source philosophy, I think it's a great project and all those who participate are awesome people!

Interview with Tago Franceschi