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Download Krita 5.2.9

Vydáno dne:Středa, 29 Leden 2025 | Poznámky k vydání

Tvorba od Philipp A. Urlich

Systémové požadavky

  • Operační systém : Windows 8.1 or higher / macOS 10.14 / Linux
  • RAM : 4 GB at minimum required. 16 GB recommended.
  • GPU : OpenGL 3.0 nebo vyšší / Direct3D 11
  • Graphics Tablet Brand : Any tablet compatible with your operating system

Store version

Paid versions of Krita on other platforms. You will get automatic updates when new versions of Krita come out. After deduction of the Store fee, the money will support Krita development. For the Microsoft store version you will need Windows 10 or above.

Microsoft Store Steam Store Epic Games Store Mac App Store

Krita Plus Nightly Builds

Contains only bug fixes on top of the currently released version of Krita

Visit Krita Plus

Krita Next Nightly Builds

New builds created daily that have bleeding-edge features. This is for testing purposes only. Use at your own risk.

Visit Krita Next

Windows Shell Extension

The Shell extension is included with the Windows Installer. An optional add-on for Windows that allow KRA thumbnails to appear in your file browser.


Download Older Versions

If the newest version is giving you issues there are older versions available for download. New versions of Krita on Windows do not support 32-bit.

Stará verze knihovny Last Windows 32-bit version

Podpisy GPG

Used to verify the integrity of your downloads. If you don't know what GPG is you can ignore it.

Download Signature

Zdrojový kód

Krita is a free and open source application. You are free to study, modify, and distribute Krita under GNU GPL v3 license.

tarball Git (KDE Invent)